Episode 198: The Secret to Living a Life You Love with Marianna Clark

Oct 17, 2023
Episode 198: The Secret to Living a Life You Love with Marianna Clark

In this powerful episode, Catherine and Kate have an incredibly important conversation with Spiritual Teacher & Retreat Leader Marianna Clark about what it takes to actually have a life you love. They share about how essential it is for women to be in community, to gather and stretch beyond our comfort zones to truly come home to ourselves.


The Soul Of Intimacy, KENYA Retreat: February 14- 24th, 2023

CONNECT with the beauty of this wild earth, this ancient land… the magic of Kenya. BREATH IN the expansive landscape with the rising of the golden sun as you venture into a new chapter in your life. DANCE. SING. DREAM. DISCOVER the very source of your humanity. REMEMBER who you are. Please join us!