With Kate Harlow

 Luxury, Transformational Intensive Retreat 

 Corfu, Greece April 26-May 3,2025

+ Intimate Coaching Program

Click below to apply & we'll schedule a call to explore deeper

**only 1 spot left**

Take The First Step Here


To the woman who is ready for more.


Ready for more deep and meaningful love in your life. 

Ready to be rooted in your self- worth and become devoted to yourself. 

Ready to shift out of old, outdated patterns so you can become the woman you were born to be.

Ready to experience more of life and feel alive in every cell of your being.

To cultivate the fullest expression of your voice and your truth – so you can stand with and for yourself in any situation.

Ready to create a life that is in devotion to yourself and your souls expression.   

Ready to have a loving, empowered relationship with yourself. 

Ready to feel seen, held, loved and celebrated by extraordinary women in your life. 

Your life is yours. Are you ready?

Take The First Step Here


  • Transform your survival patterns that are keeping you trapped in the same relational dynamics sabotaging your relationships – which will allow you to establish healthy, growth based relationships in your life
  • ​Unlock aspects of yourself that have been repressed in past relationships and throughout your childhood – so you can finally claim all of who you are, and become the powerful, open hearted woman you were born to be
  • ​​Open your heart to true intimacy and the depth of connection your soul has been longing for
  • ​Learn how to stand solidly in yourself, fully express all of who you are and to create a life that lights your soul on fire

The Immersion IS for you if...

  • You are ready to have the love you desire
  • You are willing to invest in yourself 
  • You know transformation takes work and you are ready for it 
  • You desire to embrace your femininity and connect with other supportive women 
  • You are ready to melt away any insecurities and unlock your irresistibility
  • You desire to be bright, bold and live a life you love
  • You want to awaken to ALL of who you are

The Immersion IS NOT for you if...

  • You aren't ready to let go of the struggle 
  • You don't want to get vulnerable or real
  • You're not willing to invest time, money & energy to have what you want
  • You don't desire supportive connection with other women
  • You don't like travel 
  • You aren't willing to be out of your comfort zone

We live in a world that is set up to keep women disconnected from your power, your self worth and the magnitude of who you are. A society that capitalizes on women believing you are not good enough, not beautiful enough, not worthy or lovable as you are. A world that handed you a script and taught you who to be, told you what's right for you and shaped you into becoming the woman who sacrifices her self and her life for everyone around her. A script that conditioned you to prioritize checking all the boxes so you can live 'happily every after.'  The truth? No matter how many boxes you check, you'll never be able to FEEL true, sustainable happiness until you learn how to live from the truth of who you are and become the heroine of your own story. 

It's time to liberate yourself and become devoted to the beauty of your own soul. Life has so many incredible experiences in store for you. What are you waiting for?

Yes I am Ready

Sisters who've been on the journey...

When I met Kate, I was starting the divorce mediation process with my ex. I believed all my life staying married for my children was good, so I felt like a failure and ashamed that we were separating.  I felt heavily burdened by all of the expectations on how I “should be”, which was not in alignment with who I am inside. It was the most difficult time in my life. 

 The Immersion was a perfect, embodied way to disrupt my old patterns.  For the first time in my life, I felt deeply connected with my essence.  I also felt truly seen, valued, loved, and nourished. I feel reborn, sovereign and am embodying my true essence. 

 To close, I am going to share a part of a message my 14-year daughter wrote to me this week...  

"...You are one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. I look up to you; never forget that."  Thank you, Kate!

Before I started working with Kate, my life was not my own.  I was recently divorced with two small children and found myself living with mental anguish.  I was bitter, resentful, jealous, feeling isolated and vengeful.  My focus was not on myself or my children, but on my ex-husband’s life.  

In the summer of 2020, I was introduced to Kate and together we unpacked the trauma from the divorce, recovered my true self, and I started to live my own life.  I learned what was holding me back in my relationships with my children, family, friends, and most importantly myself.  The Immersion taught me how to love myself again.  I remind myself everyday now that I am an amazing, strong, and beautiful woman. I am a better mother, friend, daughter, and co-parent.  My healthy mind also projects into a much happier aura that people around me are noticing.  I get frequently complimented on how happy and alive I am, which is such a change from a year ago.  Thanks to The Immersion, I smile everyday knowing the tremendous growth I’ve made.

When I turned to Kate, I was at an emotional rock bottom.  On the outside, my life was perfect - a great career, family, a house in the suburbs, the works.  I had climbed and worked hard and achieved all the things I thought I wanted.  But on the inside, I felt hopeless - depressed, devoid of joy, and absolutely confused.  Whose life was I living? It certainly wasn't mine.  My mind said, "but you're living the dream!"  So, why did I feel so empty, so sad, so depleted? The guilt was eating me alive

 After The Immersion, my life is beautifully, soulfully aligned with who I am.  I feel full and whole and radiant.  I transitioned out of a marriage that wasn't aligned, and I am designing a life I LOVE every single day. Kate saw my truth and gave me permission to come home to myself. 

Let Me Ask You This...

How long are you going to wait to CLAIM the life you were BORN to live? 


Join me on this life changing journey, so you can finally stop looking for love outside of yourself. 

The first step is to Click the Button Below & Fill Out the Questionnaire..

And lets TALK! 

Take The First Step Here