Episode 185: Signs You're Afraid of Intimacy

Jul 18, 2023
Episode 185 The New Truth

In this episode, Catherine & Kate reveal the top behaviours in dating & relationships that block intimacy. If you are ready for deeply connected relationships, listen to find out what's getting in the way.


The Soul of Intimacy: July 22-23rd  8-10:30am Pacific

LOVE. Women are starving for it.

Real. Deep. Intimate. Soul satiating love.

If you are tired of the same old struggles in your relationships..

Burnt out from dating. Fed up with your partner. Bored in your marriage. Or anything in between.

If you are TRULY ready for a change in your relationships, but just don’t know how.

Join us.

There is a new way….


Listen to our previous episode with Marianna Clarke here.